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Globetrotters / Denny's Tour

The Harlem Globetrotters and Denny's Restaurants collaborated on this project. At each city where the Globetrotters were to play over a season, one or more of the team members would visit a local Denny's, where youngsters had been invited to have a treat and a ball-signing. My roles were to: Write a news release for each appearance; hire a local photographer who would take pictures, get names, and usage permissions; invite local media to cover the events; write and distribute a news release and photo to appropriate media after the appearances. Results: in 42 cities, the campaign drew more than 60 media mentions.

Precast Concrete Jail Cells

Over the course of about 10 years, O'Neal Communications helped a precast concrete company introduce, sell, and document the efficacy of jail cells. These arrived on the building site ready to set into place, hook up the plumbing and electrical, and move inmates in within a quarter of the normal construction time. My role was to produce collateral, photograph and video installations, and plan, then execute, advertising and public relations for the product. Results: Stories and photos in multiple jail and prison magazines and construction media. The company doubled its sales of this product using our materials for 15 years.

Magazine Articles

I've written more than 150 articles that have been published nationally, regionally and locally. These periodicals ranged from People and Mechanix Illustrated to Southern Hospitals, America's Textiles, and Robotics World. Local newspapers and magazines have published my articles on travel, economic development, history and other topics. I'm just really good at interviewing people and crafting interesting stories around what they say.  

Worst Case Scenario

Chemical companies are required by law to publish a "worst case scenario" outlining the details of a spill or disaster and how it would be handled. In one community, the chemical companies collaborated and hired me to prepare the public to understand these documents. The project included news releases, a video, a 30-minute television special, multiple design projects for posters and collateral, and an all-day series of seminars for specific audiences (i.e. teachers, environmentalists, corporate leaders, and public safety).

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